St Gabriel Catholic Radio

Before you begin

Please note that we will need your:

to begin processing your donation.


If you need help completing the donation form, or you have questions about the vehicle donation process, call 1.866.628.2277 and we will arrange your donation.

Donate your vehicle to St Gabriel Catholic Radio AM 820

Thank you for choosing to donate your car to AM 820. It’s easy and convenient. Vehicles for Charity will be processing your tax-deductible car donation and will be providing 70% or more of the sale proceeds to St. Gabriel Radio, Inc.,a non-profit organization. Please fill out the form below or call 614-459-4820 to begin. Click submit when you’re done.

Contact Information

* indicates required field

Vehicle Information

* indicates required field


A representative from Vehicles for Charity will call to confirm. The representative will give you instructions on filling out the title.
Thank You!